Tournament Rules
VGA Tournament Rules - USGA Rules in effect
Flight will be determined by Index for each tournament base on the participation number of players. If a flight has less than 10 players then will be combined with another flight.
A Flights are index from 0.0 - 7.0. Tee box will be determine for each tournament
B Flights are index from 7.1 - 14.0. Tee box will be determine for each tournament
C Flights are index from 14.1 - Higher. Tee box will be determine for each tournament
Handicap index is NOT locked at the beginning of the year; we will use your "trend" handicap index for each tournament. In the event an individual is dominating that flight, the committee will handle the situation accordingly.
Any Winner with a NET under par will be subject to have their index adjusted. Once your index has been adjusted, you MUST play 2 tournaments with that adjusted index. In the event your current index is lower than the adjusted index, the lower of the 2 will be used for tournament play. See Table below.
Index Adjustment
NET Index Adjustment
-1 to -3 1 Stroke
-4 to -6 2 Stroke
-7 to -9 3 Stroke
Please keep the pace of play with the group in front or you’ll be penalized for two strokes each for your whole group's gross scores. Each group must complete their round within 5 hours or 20 minutes after the group in front.
21 to 30 minutes lateness is 1 stroke penalty and more than 30 minutes late is 2 strokes penalty for all players in the group.
Double Par rules: (players can pick up once you double par the hole)
Par 3 = max of 7 strokes
Par 4 = max of 9 strokes
Par 5 = max of 11 strokes
Settling Ties in Stroke Play:
Summarizing the non-playoff, "matching score cards" method by comparing the score as follows:
If tied the lowest handicap win; if the handicap is the same continue
The gross score for last 9 holes minus one-half handicap; if still tied continue
The gross score for last 6 holes minus one-third handicap; if still tied continue
The gross score for last 3 holes minus one-sixth handicap; if still tied continue
The gross score for 18th hole minus one-eighteenth handicap
Assume Dan has a 10 handicap and Joe a 14 handicap.
Last 9 holes
Dan 39 - (10 / 2) = 39 - 5 = 34
Joe 41 - (14 / 2) = 41 - 7 = 34
Still tied...
Last 6 holes
Dan 27 - (10 / 3) = 27- 3.3 = 27 - 3 = 24
Joe 29 - (14/3) = 29 - 4.7 = 29 - 5 = 24
Still tied...
Last 3 holes
Dan 12 - (10/6) = 12 - 1.7 = 12 - 2 = 10
Joe 14- (14/6) = 14 - 2.3 = 14 - 2 = 12
New Member:
New member with verified GHIN qualifies immediately for tournament prizes.
New members do not have GHIN verified handicap, cannot win tournament net prizes for 1st month.
New members do not have GHIN and do not have a verifiable handicap, cannot win tournament prizes for 3 tournaments
New members Qualify for closest to pins or gross or long drive
Tournament Points Distribution
The following points system shall be awarded to players ranked for each regular tournament played:
Note: Point earning increment toward to end of the season. For May 1.2x, June 1.4x, and for the Club Championship 2 days event, points are worth 2x times to each participating player.
Tournament Points Distribution
The following points system shall be awarded to players ranked for each regular tournament played:
Note: Point earning increment toward to end of the season. For May 1.2x, June 1.4x and for the Club Championship 2 days event, points are worth 2x times to each participating player.
CA Challenge Cup Qualification
1. To qualify for the Challenge Cup, a team member shall be a minimum of 21 years of age, not a collegiate player or golf professional.
2. Team members must participate in a minimum of three (3) Monthly Tournaments in the previous 12 months.
3. Challenge Cup Team shall consist of the following Flights:
a. A-Flight
i. Players shall have USGA Handicap System such as GHIN (Golf Handicap & Information Network)
ii. Eight (8) Team members with two (2) alternates
iii. Two (2) non-Vietnamese* shall be allowed
b. B-Flight
i. Players shall have USGA Handicap System such as GHIN (Golf Handicap & Information Network)
ii. Players shall have a handicap index of 6.0 or greater
iii. Six (6) team members with one (1) alternate iv. One (1) non-Vietnamese* shall be allowed
c. Senior Flight
i. Minimum age: 50 years as of the event date
ii. Six (6) Team members with one (1) alternate
iii. One (1) non-Vietnamese* shall be allowed
d. Super Senior Flight
i. Minimum age: 60 years as of the event date
ii. Two (2) Team members
e. Lady Flight
i. Two (2) Team members
*Note: Non-Vietnamese is defined as having no Vietnamese heritage
4. Alternate players
a. All alternates must be announced at the team introduction meeting prior to the competition event
b. The alternate player may substitute any player on a team roster at the Team Captain’s discretion at any time prior to any match; the Team Captain of the substitute player must notify the other Team Captain of the substitution prior to any match.
c. The alternate player shall be played in his respective flight
5. Challenge Cup Timeline
a. Three months prior to the event, each club shall provide the name of the Team Captain
b. Two months prior to the event, the host team shall provide the date/location for the Challenge Cup event and intended tee boxes for each flight, respectively.
c. One month prior to the event, each club shall provide a FINAL list of Challenge Cup team members in their respective flights, and for B Flight players only, their handicap indexes for verification.
d. Challenge Cup shall take place on the Saturday & Sunday of August/September each year ` 6. Challenge Cup Format a. Day 1: Four-Ball Match Play (aka 2-Person Best Ball)
6. Challenge Cup Format
a. Day 1: Four-Ball Match Play (aka 2-Person Best Ball)
b. Day 2: Single Match Play
c. A, B, Senior, Super Senior, and Lady Flights to be played from the tees determined by the hosting Team Captain
d. After two (2) days of competition, the team with the highest combined score from all five (5) flights shall be declared as Challenge Cup Champion for that year.
e. After two (2) days of competition, if the combined scores from all five (5) flights for both teams result in a tie, the competition shall be declared as a “Tie” with the team winner from the previous year to retain the Challenge Cup Trophy
7. Challenge Cup Point Distribution
a. A-Flight
4 teams Match play = 4 points Team play
8 Single Match play = 8 points Single play
b. B-Flight
3 teams Match play = 3 points Team play
6 Single Match play = 6 points Single play
c. Senior
3 teams Match play = 3 points Team play
6 Single Match play = 6 points Single play
d. Super Senior
1 teams Match play = 1 points Team play
2 Single Match play = 2 points Single play
e. Lady
1 teams Match play = 1 points Team play
2 Single Match play = 2 points Single play
This Challenge Cup Requirements 2022 is an agreement between the NCVGA and SoCal VGA. Failure to meet any of the requirements herein by either club will result in the cancellation of the Challenge Cup Competition between the NCVGA and SoCal VGA.
VGA Cup Qualification
To qualify for VGA Cup, players shall be minimum of 21 years of age and shall be of amateur status
VGA Cup shall have the following Flights:
A-Flight & Requirements (index: 0 - 9.9)
Any player with an handicap index between 0 - 9.9 at September 30th, 2019 shall be declared as A-Flight player
A-Flight shall consists of twelve (12) players with two (2) alternates (Captain’s choice)
Each A-Flight match competition is worth 1.0 point
After 18 holes of match competition, if a match ends in a tie/square, 1/2 points is awarded to each team
B-Flight & Requirements (index: > 10.0 )
Any player with an handicap index between > 10.0 at September 30th, 2019 shall be declared as B-Flight player
B-Flight shall consists of six (6) players with one (1) alternate (Captain’s choice)
Each B-Flight match competition is worth 0.5 point
After 18 holes of match competition, if a match ends in a tie/square, 0 points is awarded to each team
Senior Flight & Requirements
Minimum age : 50 years
Senior Flight shall consists of six (6) players with one (1) alternate (Captain’s choice)
After 18 holes of match competition, if a match ends in a tie/square.
3. In each flight, non-Vietnamese shall be qualified for VGA Cup team.
A-Flight – two (2) Non-Vietnamese qualified
B-Flight – one (1) Non-Vietnamese qualified
Senior Flight – one (1) Non-Vietnamese qualified